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Welcome everybody to my fashion website, Pink Devil´s Fashion Website.

I am a girl I call myself as "Elisabeth Hayward" or "Pink Devil" as you can see. I am a lover of fashion and that´s why I decided to craete this website, this fashion website.


This website is dedicated to all women that like fashion and that want to know about the last arrivals.

You can visit my website or my blog (blogger)  if you prefer the updates and the news daily. 


If you want to know or ask anything about what I write or just about me you can leave a message in this website (click in the upper right).


The subjects about I use to talk in my blog, website or in my social networks is about the latest arrivals in fashion, the latest runways, about special issues of the most famous fashion magazines, news about models, designer, fashion celebrities, photographers or it girls. This all will be in the "Fashion" section.


In the section of "Beauty" I´ll talk about the trends in makeup, hairstyles, nail art, tips for the tansun or for waxing. And I´ll recommend you all the products that I like best.


In the last section, Diet & Sport, I´ll talk about diets or tips to get thinner and of course about sports, easy sports that you can practice all the year if you want it. So you would be beauty without doing strange sports, or spendendig lot of money in material.


Thank you all for everything, I am here beacuse of you. For any question or doubt leave a comment in my blog, Twitter or Facebook account or send me a message to my email or just here, in my website.


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Who we are

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